Kasturi neuro diagnostic centre




89-A, East Lokamanya Street,


Coimbatore –641002


 Dr’s Mobile: 9789481179 (TEXT ONLY)




Register in person (Mon to Fri) from 5:30 to 8:30pm. For pre-booking, send your Name, Phone, Required date by WA / SMS to 9363200393. Your token number will be sent to you. Doctor will come after 6:30pm. All registered patients on that day will be seen. 

~ Some may be given priority ~




Town Bus No: 7 àReach RS Puram Post office Stop àLocate Tanisq Jewels àWalk ineast lokamanya St, àRT side 5thBuilding is the Clinic



                            No appointment is required to meet the Doctor. You are requested to register your name on the same day from 5:30pm to 8.30pm (Mon to Fri). The approximate consultation time will be informed to you by the clinic staff at 6:30 pm. You will be seen in the order of your registration. If you like to take appointment over phone, please send a WA or SMS message to 9363200393 at least 1 day earlier. You will be given a token number and approximate time to see the doctor. You are requested to take food and medications “on time” even while waiting to meet the doctor. For emergency purposes please get admitted in nearby hospital after enquiring with the doctor


The Clinic is situated in the heart of the city at D.B.Road, R.S.Puram, next to Post office road. You can reach here by CITY BUS NO-7, to RS PURAM POST OFFICE STOP, from where you can locate TANISHQ JEWELLERS/SUPREME MOBILES. Start walking through the EAST LOKAMANYA STREET, and you can easily locate the clinic – 5th Building on your right side, next to Bafna Paradise. If you are using smart phone just click: https://goo.gl/maps/Aie1TeZcFp12


The clinic registration starts from 5:30pm and is up to 8:30pm.Doctor will come after 6:30pm. You need to register IN-PERSON by yourself in the daily registration sheet.Patients are seen as “First come – First Serve Basis”. Priorities are given rarely. No Appointment is booked over the phone / previous day / online. Those residing within few km,can just walk-in at8:00pm, to reduce waiting time.Only during Covid period, if you send your details and the date you want to consult, appointment will be given by SMS.


        For the benefit of patients, a Neurology pharmacy (PRITHVI PHARMACY) has been attached with our clinic (KASTURI NEURO DIAGNOSTIC CENTRE) from 14th January, 2021. Here all the Standard and High Quality Neurology Speciality Drugs which are handpicked by your doctor are made available. Hereafter you need not search these special and rare drugs across the city amidst your ailment. The patients consulting Dr.B.Prakash can immediately avail the medicines as soon as he prescribes.


 Common facilities like toilet, drinking water, magazines, fan, AC (if needed) are available. However we don’t have Wi-Fi, audio, parking space etc. The clinicdoes not have attached Pharmacy, Lab service or CT / MRI Scans. You are requested to take food and medications on time even when waiting to meet the doctor (nearby hotels and pharmacies are available). Bring your Tabs, i-Pads, Booksor Laptops to engage yourselfduring the waiting hours. Also write your illnesses and points to discuss with the doctor in a sheet while waiting. 


Kasturi Nero Diagnostic Centre is organized for the purpose of CONSULTATION ONLY. Nurses, Nursing care, Beds, Admission, Surgery, Emergencies, Injections, IV drips or any Life care supports are NOT AVAILABLE. If you are sick, needing urgent medical attentionor cannot wait, please rush to a nearby hospital and get admitted for your first aid and further care. Kovai medical Centre and Hospital is 24×7 hospital, where you can avail all facilities under the care of Dr.B.Prakash.  


You can book your review appointment when you meet the doctor. This is given by the doctor in person. Review patients are seen usually on every third Sunday from 9am to 6pm. The date and time may vary, which will be informed to you, over phone as SMS / TEXT or by direct call.


KASTURI ENMG LAB is an Electro Neuro MyographyLab. Here your nerves and muscles can be tested. Unlike the MRI / CT scan, which gives information about the structure, ENMGassesses the functioning of nerves. It will report the action, site, nature andseverity of nerve damage outside the brain. This is a unique Whole-bodyNerve-Muscle test, conducted under the guidance of Neuro Electro physiologist. This can be done for any patient, even if he is sick. No preparation or fasting is required. There are no side effects. You need to fix prior appointment.


This study tests the nerves in your hands and legs. By analysing the graphs, the doctor will be able to identify the nerve lesion,site, severity, type and can predict the prognosis. Two types of nerves (Motor, Sensory) can be tested. It is useful in diagnosing Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome, Radiculopathy, GBS/CIDP, Wrist and Foot Drop, Facial Palsy, Meralgia Paraesthetica, Vasculitic, Diabetic and other Peripheral neuropathies.


A very thin special needle is inserted into the muscle at any part of the body, without pain. The muscle’stiny twitchingcan be recorded. These twitches can be felt by patient,but cannot be seen. This test is helpful for yourneurologist in making the diagnosis of Muscular Dystrophy, Myopathy, Motor Neuron Disease, AHCD, Myasthenia Gravis etc. By confirming the diagnosis, the severity of your disease and life expectancy can be predicted.


Vision, Hearing and Touch starts from the body and reaches the brain via nerves. The pathway of its travel and its problems can be assessed with the help of a test called Evoked Potential. Visual, hearing and sensory stimuli are given at the concerned point and the impulses are recorded from the brain. This will identify the lesions affecting the nerve pathways carrying these signals to the brain and help in the diagnoses of optic neuritis (multiple sclerosis), deafness in babies, spinal cord injuries during surgery etc.


If we do work continuously and repeatedly, we get fatigued. In a disease called myasthenia, this fatigue occurs much earlier to the extent that the patient develops weakness of limbs, cannot do his daily activities and even gets difficulty in breathing. By giving quick repeated nerve stimuli, the action of the muscle is measured which will show a declining activity by which Myasthenic illnesses can be diagnosed.


Continuous electrical activity is going on in our brain normally. Patients with epilepsy get abnormal electrical activity which can be identified by EEG. With the help of EEGthe doctor can diagnose epilepsy, its nature and the region of the brain where it is arising from and can plan for the treatment. EEG is a vital test in all patients with seizures. For this test you have to come with dry hair (shampoo bath) with prior appointment.


   To serve his birth place, the doctor visits Tiruchengodu on every month’s First Sunday. He started this service since 2003, at Kavitha Hospital from where he has moved to SUGUNA HOSPITAL, ERODE ROAD, TIRUCHENGODU, (Ph: 04288-250097) during 2017. Here you can avail his services from 9am to 5pm on every month’s First Sunday. The booking is done on the same day as “IN-PERSON BOOKING”. Patients are seen as “First come – First Serve Basis”. Only during Covid period, if you send your details and the date you want to consult, appointment will be givenby SMS.


Continuous electrical activity is going on in our brain normally. Patients with epilepsy get abnormal electrical activity which can be identified by EEG. With the help of EEGthe doctor can diagnose epilepsy, its nature and the region of the brain where it is arising from and can plan for the treatment. EEG is a vital test in all patients with seizures. For this test you have to come with dry hair (shampoo bath) with prior appointment.


I welcome you to our Organization, Kasturi Neuro Diagnostic Centre. We have startedthis centre on 11thFeb 2004, to serve the Neurologypatients.  It has slowly evolvedto a great extent, with the support of our ethical principles and humane touch to the patients. Later we have included free services to the poor, health awareness campsetc.Patients are made aware of the basics of their illness which helps in better recovery. Case presentations are delivered through lectures and published via our magazine “Kasturi Neuro Bulletin”.


Dr.B.PRAKASH is a Senior Consultant in Coimbatore. He was trained by Pioneers in Neurology.His experience goes beyond two decades. He is particular in making flawless diagnosis, so that the patients will be benefitted to the maximum. He has held 14 posts and is currently working as the Head-DNB Neuro trainer/ Senior Consultant at Coimbatore. He has served around 2Lakhpatients.  He is a Life member of 15 Associations. He is a Teacher and Examiner for Neurology Students and guided their theses. He has attended about 60 conferences, 50 CMEs, delivered over 60 lectures, has taken hundreds of classes, Chaired 10 sessions, been invited as Chief Guest in several Conferences. He has organized 9 CME programs. He has published one book, 15 scientific articles and presented 23 papers. Dr B.Prakashis a kind person, ready to do everything for the sake of his patients suffering from neurological ailments.


Kasturi Welfare Trust was founded by Mr.T.A.Balasubramaniam, Executive Engineer, with the goal of serving the poor. The trust is registered at Coimbatore on 15th Feb 2011, with the objectives of conducting Free Neuro Medical Camps, to organize Public Health Awareness Programs, to grand aids to the needed, to support the Home for the Aged and Retarded. You can make donations to the Trust by Demand Draft, Cheque or via online in favour of ‘Kasturi Welfare Trust’, payable at KarurVysya Bank, R.S.Puram branch, Coimbatore, Account No: 1122135000002452, IFSC: KVBL0001122 addressed to 89-A, East  Lokamanya Street, R.S.Puram, Coimbatore.




                  A Free Neurology camp was organized at KasturiNeuro Diagnostic Centre,  Coimbatore.The Camp activity was intimated to the Public via Newspaper. The Torrent Group and the members of Kasturi Neuro Diagnostic Centre extended their support. Water, Tea and Snacks were provided. Blood tests and EEG were done at reduced cost and free to the poor. Scans and medications were given free of cost to the attended pts.



                        Kasturi Welfare Trust and Avinashilingam Institute of Home Sciences (AIHS) has conducted a Free Neuro Camp on Feb 20th. A screening program was done and 25 Neuro pts were selected. Rasi Pharmacy has provided infrastructure. Mrs.Sivagami, Mrs.Sudha, and Ms.Ramaof AIHS had organized the program. 8 students volunteered. 45pts were benefitted. Blood, Xray, EEG and Scans were done at concession. Gokul Lab did EEG. Lunch was provided. The camp had come to an end by 4:30pm. Dr.B.Prakash Trustee, Kasturi Welfare Trust thanked the NSS team of AIHS and other supporters.                                  

contact us

                         We are glad that you would like to contact us. Please find below the communication address and the Telephonic Numbers. This is to check the Dr’s availability and minor doubt clearance. Teleconsultations may be done by sending your 1. Personal Data, 2.Current Problem, 3.You file’s first page(Diagnosis), 4.Your Current Prescription photo, 5.Your Clinical Photo/Video to Dr’s  Whats App Number: 9789481179. If Dr agree he will say OK. Then send Dr’s fees (Rs.500) to Dr’s Google pay Number: 9363200393. Then the Instructions / drug modification will be sent to you by WA. The Teleconsultation is valid only during the Covid timings. This is done as per Govt Norms. Whatsoever be the details, the teleconsultation may not replace the in-person visit. Terms &Conditions® Apply. The Dr may not answer (OK) for your query or reject to reply (No), in which means, you have to consult by physical presence. In such situation, do not send money.


Senior Consultant Neurologist (KMCH),

Formerly Professor of Neurology (PSGIMSR)

Director – Kasturi Neuro Diagnostic Centre

89-A, East Lokamanya Street,

R. S. Puram , COIMBATORE  – 641002

E-Mail : prakashneuro@yahoo.co.in

Mobile : +91 – 978 948 1179 (WhatsApp)

Mobile : +91 – 936 3200 393 (Google Pay)




    CAMP NEWS in TV :                                                                                                  https://youtu.be/LoBLtGsrYfg

    WAY TO CLINIC (GOOGLE MAP):                                                                          https://goo.gl/maps/Aie1TeZcFp12

    SEIZURES PUBLIC TAMIL PART 1 (LIVE TELECAST TV) :                              https://youtu.be/ajbYB9GSMVY

    SEIZURES PUBLIC TAMIL PART 2 (LIVE TELECAST TV) :                              https://youtu.be/lyYRlR6vf_8

    VALIPPU PUBLIC TAMIL (AUDIO) :                                                                       https://youtu.be/2smxv3OSyPc

    STROKE PUBLIC TAMIL (AUDIO) :                                                                        https://youtu.be/0VmPAz7JSJc

    SLEEP PUBLIC TAMIL (AUDIO) :                                                                            https://youtu.be/5lNKC72oYl8

    HEADACHE PUBLIC TAMIL(AUDIO) :                                                                  https://youtu.be/6seOD-T6toA

    CLINIC WEBSITE:                                                                                                      www.kasturineurodiagnosticcentre.org


    Neurologist, Neuro, Neurophysician, Stroke, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Seizures, Hadache, Backpain,Dr.B.Prakash, Kasturi, Neuro Hospital, Neuro Doctors, Neuro Lab, Prakashneuro, EEG, NCS, Nerve conduction, Shuba Neuro Lab, migraine, Cluster, Myopathy, muscular Dystrophy, Erbs Palsy, Optic Neuritis, Vertigo, GBS, Sleeplessness, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain, Herpes Zoster, Post Herpetic Neuralgia, MeralgiaParesthetica, Foot Drop, Wrist drop, Multiple Sclerosis, Demyelination, Hansen’s Disease, Alzhiemer’s Disease, CSF leak, Loss of Consciousness, Altered Sensorium, Tremors, Dystonia, Writer’s Cramp, Hemifacial Spasm, Dystonia, Speaking Difficulties, Aphasia, Dysphasia, Dysphonia, Aphonia, Botox injection, Nerve Block, NCS, EMG, EEG, RNS, Evoked Potentials, Blink Reflex, Toxic neuropathy, Ataxia, Swaying, Wasting, Urinary incontinence, Syringomyelia, Idiopathic intracranial tension, Anosmia, Slurred Speech, Epilepsy, Fits, Parkinsonism, Neuropathy, Neck Pain, Back Pain, Sciatica, Muscle Disease, Myasthenia, Numbness, Weakness, Giddiness, Dementia, Memory loss, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Trigeminal Pain, Facial weakness, Bell’s palsy, Vision Loss, Double Vision& Brachial Pain.